Bharat Samiti launches Durga Puja – Cologne schedule for 2024!

The Indischer Kulturverein (Bharat Samiti) e.V. is proud to announce the general schedule for their Durga Puja 2024 festivities in Cologne (Köln).

The #DurgaPujaCologne festivities will take place from Wednesday, October 9 to Sunday, October 13 at the Bürgerzentrum in the Cologne suburb of Chorweiler.

To register for the 2024 Durga Puja – Cologne go to: Registration for Durga Puja 2024 in Cologne! .

Below is the schedule for the 2024 Durga Puja – Cologne (in English)

Day Time Program
Wednesday 16:00h – Bodhan : Awakening of the Goddess Durga
9th October 17:00h – Sashthi Puja : Inauguration of Life
Sashthi 18:30h Cultural Program Part  I
  19:00h Opening Speech: Arunava Chaudhuri – President, Bharat Samiti  & Guests of Honour
  19:30h – Prasad Bitaran: Distribution of blessed food
  20:00h – Cultural Program Part  II
Thursday 12:00h – Saptami Puja :  Prayers
10th October 13:00h – Anjali : Flower offering
Saptami 13:30h – Prasad Bitaran: Distribution of blessed food
  17:00h – Puja und Arati :  Evening Prayers
  18:00h Cultural Program Part  I
  19:30h – Prasad Bitaran: Distribution of blessed food
Friday 12:00h – Ashtami Puja : Prayers
11th October 13:00h – Anjali : Flower offering
Mahashtami 13:30h – Prasad Bitaran: Distribution of blessed food
15:30h – Mukhorochok : Afternoon Snacks
  17:00h – Puja und Arati : Evening Prayers
  18:00h – Sandhi Puja: Evening Prayers II
  18:30h Cultural Program Part  I
  19:00h – Prasad Bitaran: Distribution of blessed food
  20:00h – Cultural Program Part  II
Saturday 12:00h – Nabami Puja : Prayers
12th October 13:00h – Anjali : Flower offering
Mahanabami 13:30h – Prasad Bitaran: Distribution of blessed food
  17:00h – Puja und Arati : Evening Prayers
  18:00h Cultural Program Part  I
  19:30h – Prasad Bitaran: Distribution of blessed food
  20:30h – Cultural Program Part  II
Sunday 12:00h – Dashami Puja  :  Farewell Prayers
13th October 13:00h – Sindur Khela :  Play of Colours
Dashomi 13:45h – Shantir Jal :  Holy Water
  14:00h – Prasad Bitaran: Distribution of blessed food

To register for the 2024 Durga Puja – Cologne go to: Registration for Durga Puja 2024 in Cologne! .

Below is the schedule for the 2024 Durga Puja – Cologne (in German)

Tag Uhrzeit Programm
Mittwoch 16:00h – Bodhan : Erwachen der Göttin Durga
9. Oktober 17:00h – Sashthi Puja :  Lebenseinweihung
Sashthi 18:00h Kulturprogramm Teil  I
  18:30h – Ansprachen: Arunava Chaudhuri – Präsident, Bharat Samiti  & von den Ehrengästen
  19:00h – Prasad Bitaran:  Austeilen der geweihten Speisen
  20:00h Kulturprogramm Teil  II
Donnerstag 12:00h – Saptami Puja :  Gebet
10. Oktober 12:30h – Anjali :  Blumenopfer
Saptami 13:30h – Prasad Bitaran:  Austeilen der geweihten Speisen
  17:00h – Puja und Arati :  Abendgebet
  18:00h Kulturprogramm Teil  I
  19:30h – Prasad Bitaran:  Austeilen der geweihten Speisen
  20:00h Kulturprogramm Teil  II
Freitag 12:00h – Ashtami Puja :  Gebet
11. Oktober 13:00h – Anjali :  Blumenopfer
Mahashtami 13:30h – Prasad Bitaran:  Austeilen der geweihten Speisen
15:30h – Mukhorochok : Nachmittags Snacks
  17:00h – Puja und Arati :  Abendgebet
  18:00h – Sandhi Puja:  Abendgebet II
  18:30h Kulturprogramm Teil  I
  19:30h – Prasad Bitaran:  Austeilen der geweihten Speisen
  20:30h Kulturprogramm Teil  II
Samstag 12:00h – Nabami Puja :  Gebet
12. Oktober 13:00h – Anjali :  Blumenopfer
Mahanabami 13:30h – Prasad Bitaran: Austeilen der geweihten Speisen
  17:00h – Puja und Arati :  Abendgebet
  18:00h Kulturprogramm Teil  I
  19:30h – Prasad Bitaran:  Austeilen der geweihten Speisen
  20:00h Kulturprogramm Teil  II
Sonntag 12:00h – Dashami Puja  :  Abschiedsgebet
13. Oktober 13:00h – Sindur Khela :  Farbenspiel
Dashomi 13:45h – Shantir Jal :  Weihwasser
  14:00h – Prasad Bitaran: Austeilen der geweihten Speisen

To register for the 2024 Durga Puja – Cologne go to: Registration for Durga Puja 2024 in Cologne! .

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2 Responses

  1. Shuvo says:

    Is it possible to give only the Anjali without registering?

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