Registration period for Bengali New Year / Nababarsho 2024 in Leverkusen extended!
The 2024 edition of Bengali New Year (Nababarsho) will be held in Leverkusen on Saturday, May 4.
We have extended the registration period until Sunday, April 28 and also enable to pre-register via a bank transfer besides using PayPal.
Bengali New Year (Nababarsho) celebrations are organised by our sister organisation Bongotshav and it would take place at the Pfarrsaal – St. Albertus Magnus on Humperdinckstraße 4, 51375 Leverkusen-Waldsiedlung from 2pm to 8pm.
The cost is 15 Euros per adult and 5 Euros per youth aged 6 to 18 years with children up to the age of 6 attending for free.
Please pre-register to confirm your spot with a PayPal transfer to our id under @bharatsamiti or via a bank transfer to our account under:
Indischer Kulturverein (Bharat Samiti) e.V.
IBAN: DE26 3704 0044 0763 4249 00
Konto Nr. 76 34 249, BLZ: 370 400 44
PS: The original date of Bengali New Year (Nababasho) 2023 is Sunday, April 14, but we celebrate a few weeks later due to the better weather!
More infos on location under