Bharat Samiti to organise it’s Lakshmi Puja on October 19, 2024!

Bharat Samiti is happy to announce that it will organise it’s Lakshmi Puja festivities on Saturday on October 19, 2024, in Leverkusen!

We will be celebrating at the Pfarrsaal – St. Albertus Magnus on Humperdinckstraße 4, 51375 Leverkusen-Waldsiedlung.

The Lakshmi Puja festivities would start around 15.00h (3pm).

The festivities are free for Bharat Samiti members to attend, for non-members there would be a 10 Euros fee per person.

To register go to: 2024 Lakshmi Puja registration .

Please pre-register to confirm your spot with a PayPal transfer to our id under @bharatsamiti .

More infos on the location under

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